We know the work involved in being original and setting yourself apart from your competition, so we help you to register and protect your creation and corporate or personal identity, in order to differentiate yourself in a competitive and globalized market.
With the Trademark Registration service you obtain the title of Trademark for your logo, motto, slogan, invention or product, so that you as a natural person or company may secure for it the exclusive right of use and commercialization, and thus prevent third parties from offering products or brands that are the same or similar and, consequently, may generate confusion and directly affect the interests and benefits of your creation.
If your vision is to grow and expand your creation, we support you through effecting the procedures for acquiring Patent Licenses, so that you can authorize a third party to also manufacture, use or sell your patented creation. Likewise, we can make your brand and business model a local and international Franchise and formalize it with the creation, drafting and review of legal contracts for such purpose.
Do you want to formalize and protect your Brand or Creation?